Tag: Stomach Troubles

  • Do Dog Breeds Allergies Differ?

    When we think about canine allergies, it may not even occur to us that among the various dog breeds, allergies and their prevalence may differ. However, particularly when we are talking about skin allergies, there are dog breeds allergies seem to favor.

    Dogs Susceptible to Allergies
    Among the dog breeds allergies, particularly skin allergies, are commonplace in are the English Bulldog, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, and Dalmation, to name but a few popular breeds. Shar Peis and boxers, with their skin folds, are also dog breeds allergies seem to be more common in.
    If you are looking at owning any of those breeds, and dog breeds allergies may be more likely to occur in, you should be prepared that allergies, and their symptoms, treatment and care, may become part of your duty as a dog owner.

    Dog Breeds Allergies Are Less Likely In
    The good news  is that just as there are dog breeds allergies seem to favor, there are those where they are more rare. These include popular breeds like the German Shepherd, Dachshund, Doberman Pinscher, Poodle and others. Choosing from dog breeds allergies are less likely to appear in is one way of trying to avoid the additional care required by an allergy prone dog, it’s no guarantee, since, although rare, those allergies are not unheard of.

    As with dog breeds allergies are more common in, you should know there is always a chance you may become the owner of a dog with allergies, and the needs that accompany that.

    What to Look for
    Excessive itching, scratching, biting or chewing on themselves is almost certainly a sign of allergy, whether flea, skin, contact or food. Stomach troubles, swelling and hives are also almost always signs of allergy, and should be reported to your vet immediately.

    What to Do if You Suspect an Allergy
    Whether you choose dog breeds allergies are common in, or those where they aren’t, you should be on the lookout for the common symptoms of allergy – itching, scratching, biting, hives and so on. If your dog displays any of these symptoms, chances are your vet will need to do an IST or ELISA test, to determine the cause – it may be a flea allergy, or an allergy to something in the dog’s environment.

    If the tests your vet runs on your dog returns a positive result for allergy, you will need to investigate proper treatment and management, so that your dog’s quality of life is not affected by his problem.

    So you see, which taking care to choose a dog breed allergies are rarer in may help in some small measure, but it may not be a permanent solution. Also bear in mind that like humans, dogs aren’t necessarily born with an allergy. Sometimes, they develop an allergic reaction to a particular substance later in life. You may even find that the food they’ve been eating for years suddenly produces an allergic reaction, or maybe a move to a new home triggers an attack. Whatever happens though, stay calm, find out more, and help your best friend deal with their allergy.

    Your dog’s health means a lot to you, as well as your own. Keep yourself informed and learn more about dog allergies at CureDogAllergies.com, where you’ll find everything you need to know to keep your dog, your home and of course yourself free of allergies, and in tip top shape!

    Article from articlesbase.com