Tag: Slim To None

  • Dog Food Nutrition

    Dog food nutrition starts with ingredients that do not host any preservatives or chemicals.  The reason that chemicals, additives, and preservatives are added, is to preserve the dog food on the shelf, and keep it ready for you to buy, when you need it.  The problem with this remedy, is that the preservatives will be a major health issue in your dog’s life.

    Toxins and Your Dog’s Liver

    If you are looking to keep your dog’s life healthy and happy, be sure to understand the process that a chemical food will take on your dog’s body.  Your dog is a small and very susceptible organism to toxic and heavy chemicals.  The fact that dog cancer and other digestive illness has risen over the years, is due in part to the chemicals in dog food.  The unhealthy path you will follow, leads right back to a chemical filled dog food.

    The hardest part, is that the market place is often very easily deceptive, and can use the word natural or healthy whenever and wherever they choose.  Be sure to keep your eyes open, and read the ingredient list on your dog food bag with awareness.  No chemicals, no ingredients, you can not understand.  If you have a question, there should be a phone number on the bag, and you can call to see if the food is really a good choice.   If the reasons and description are enough for you, you may have found a good food to choose.  If you can not get a good feeling from the call, you should move on.

    The fact that chemicals and preservatives cause poor nutrition, are not limited to the fact that often chemically laden dog food has few nutrients to offer as well.  If a food sits on a shelf for long, all anti-oxidants are lost in the time they sit waiting to be consumed.  Nutrients added, are often slim to none in this case.  The reality of the situation is that the dog food nutrition needed is not really offered, and your dog could have a poor health outcome.