Tag: Good Advice

  • Prescription Dog Food

    Does your vet prescribe a dog food for your dog?  It is good advice to always follow your vet’s advice, but be sure to continue to find the right information as well.  Often, my vet would prescribe a dog food for our dog, and it would not be accepted by my dog, or it just didn’t seem to work for her digestive system.  If you are looking to have a good conversation with your vet about your dog’s food, be sure to arrive with some questions and information.

    Prescribed Dog Food Choices

    Sometimes, the dog food that is used for prescription, is very quietly full of corn, soybean, or rice.  Even white potatoes have been a main ingredient in this list.  The confusing part to this ingredient list is the fact that it is often hard to digest.  I have had good results with less carbohydrates in a time of stress, illness or injury, than the prescribed dog food choices offered.

    In most cases, a very lean protein, like venison or 100% organic chicken, will be better for your dog.  Even a green vegetable, like green beans, and some dried sweet potato, can be much better for the pancreas, the liver, the bladder and kidneys.  The dog in stress, should not be given any sugar or starch, as the glucose created can be hard to digest or manage.

    Be kind to your dog, and question your vet, so that you can bring the best results to your dog.  Clearly, in times of disease or illness, they may find the higher starches laden prescription foods, will be accepted by your dog more readily, so a mix could be considered, but working towards a holistic solution, will in the end assist your dog to actually solve the related problem, and be the great solution that you require.

    A genuine discussion with your vet, should be a way to actually try to find a solution, provide health and happiness, versus covering up the symptoms and problems that are occurring.  The keys to health all reside with appropriate levels of nutrition, interactivity with drugs and medicine, and great prescription dog food information.