Tag: Digestive System

  • Prescription Dog Food

    Does your vet prescribe a dog food for your dog?  It is good advice to always follow your vet’s advice, but be sure to continue to find the right information as well.  Often, my vet would prescribe a dog food for our dog, and it would not be accepted by my dog, or it just didn’t seem to work for her digestive system.  If you are looking to have a good conversation with your vet about your dog’s food, be sure to arrive with some questions and information.

    Prescribed Dog Food Choices

    Sometimes, the dog food that is used for prescription, is very quietly full of corn, soybean, or rice.  Even white potatoes have been a main ingredient in this list.  The confusing part to this ingredient list is the fact that it is often hard to digest.  I have had good results with less carbohydrates in a time of stress, illness or injury, than the prescribed dog food choices offered.

    In most cases, a very lean protein, like venison or 100% organic chicken, will be better for your dog.  Even a green vegetable, like green beans, and some dried sweet potato, can be much better for the pancreas, the liver, the bladder and kidneys.  The dog in stress, should not be given any sugar or starch, as the glucose created can be hard to digest or manage.

    Be kind to your dog, and question your vet, so that you can bring the best results to your dog.  Clearly, in times of disease or illness, they may find the higher starches laden prescription foods, will be accepted by your dog more readily, so a mix could be considered, but working towards a holistic solution, will in the end assist your dog to actually solve the related problem, and be the great solution that you require.

    A genuine discussion with your vet, should be a way to actually try to find a solution, provide health and happiness, versus covering up the symptoms and problems that are occurring.  The keys to health all reside with appropriate levels of nutrition, interactivity with drugs and medicine, and great prescription dog food information.

  • Dog Nutrition Tips for Beginners

    If it is your first time having a dog as a pet, you would definitely have to do some research on the feeding for dogs in general. Asking experts and experienced dog trainers would be a great thing to do, for these people are very much familiar with every essential thing as regards to dogs, from basic dog nutrition to advanced supplements and so on.

    Daily Food Intake And Nutrition

    All breeds of dogs are generally very active animals and they need good food to keep them moving. For this, you have to keep track of what they eat everyday and make sure that you include food containing nutrients such as Vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E and K.

    Basically you should be aware of the most common form of dog nutrition chart that can be seen either online or can also be found in pet clinics and public service centers. You can find information on the essential food and dietary chart, which will guide you on the most balanced mixture of food containing all the needed dog nutrition.

    As we know, dogs should be given healthy foods made from high quality meat, vegetables, fruits, and well-balanced mixture of vitamins and minerals. These foods and nutrients are basically required to build and maintain healthy blood, muscle, and bone structure. Besides the above vitamins given, dog nutrition experts would also suggest you on giving foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, boron, chromium, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, sulphur, zinc and many more.

    Foods containing high levels of fiber should also be given; for at certain seasons or stages they do not drink water much compared to their intake of food. Water is indeed one of the most important elements of common set of dog nutrition, which is good for their digestive system. So to replace this, you need to make sure that their food is rich in fiber.

    Any dog nutrition expert would also advise you on not to give fatty foods and too much of fatty-acid-based foods, because this can lead to obesity in most dogs.

    Further Researched information About The Importance Of Fresh Drinking Water For Nutrition Now For That Great Adventure Go On A Vacation But Leave Your Computer Virus Free and Safe

    Article from articlesbase.com

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  • How to Treat Dog Allergies

    Dog allergies are one of the most common conditions affecting dogs. Dog allergies can be very frustrating for both yourself and your dog. The constant itching and scratching, paw licking and chewing, skin rashes or chronic ear infections can make life very unpleasant.

    Dogs allergies become noticeable when your dog’s immune system reacts excessively to substances (called allergens or antigens) to which she has been exposed. Generally, allergies show up in three ways. The most common is with the skin – your dog will itch and scratch either in one area or all over, or you will see skin sores or lesions. Another way involves the respiratory system and your dog may cough, sneeze, and/or wheeze, and there may be an associated nasal or eye discharge. A third type of allergic reaction involves the digestive system, when your dog vomits or has diarrhea.

    There are several types of dog allergies. Conventionally, Veterinarians focus on five different types, but I have grouped them into three areas – these are the most common allergies you will see with your dog. The first is external allergies, and these include flea allergies; the second allergy group is with food; and the third is environmental, and this includes inhalant, from allergens such as pollens and house dust mites.

    Dog allergies can be difficult to diagnose. Many of the symptoms you may see can be a result of allergies or of another illness. It is best to get your pet examined by your Veterinarian first, before trying any home or alternative treatments.

    If you know or suspect your dog has an allergy, you do have options. There are conventional ways to treat allergies that your Veterinarian will discuss, but I would like to focus on alternative methods in this article. In my book, Veterinary Secrets Revealed (available at veterinarysecretsrevealed . com), I focus on alternative home treatments for dogs and cats. Here are a few of the solutions you can try at home that I recommend for dog allergies.

    For Fleas – here is an obvious solution: eliminate the Fleas! Practice regular flea-control. Two natural ways to battle fleas include using aromatic herbs, such as Pennyroyal and Catnip, and Chinchilla Dust (“diatomaceous earth” – but make sure this is the type meant for pets).

    If you suspect that your pet is allergic to something in their diet, the first step is to stop all traditional treats (i.e. – milk bones) and table scraps. If your dog is still reacting after 3 weeks, then she may be allergic to her regular food. At this point, try the elimination diet. This means chancing your dog’s food to an entirely different type which she has never eaten before.

    The most important part is a unique protein source. There are a number of commercially available allergy diets for pets – one that I prefer for dogs is Fish and Potato. For cats, it can be more difficult, but one I have had luck with has duck as the protein source. The difficulty is that your dog can be allergic to anything in the food. Regardless, I highly advocate a more natural, simple diet that is naturally preserved, or a home-made diet. See my book or join my membership site, theonlinevet . com, for a choice of allergy diets.

    Whatever food you choose, it must be fed for 12 weeks. If after 12 weeks your pet it still scratching, then she probably doesn’t have a food allergy.

    With environmental allergies, dogs can react in a way that is very similar way that we as humans do. One way to help deal with an allergy to pollen and/or house dust mites is to purchase an air purifier for your home.

    For itchy skin, try an oatmeal shampoo bath with cool water – this can ease the itchiest skin. Leave the shampoo on for 10 minutes then rinse well. With the most severe allergies, bathe your pet twice weekly. Also, Calendula ointment (herbal medication) has been successfully used to relieve the itch. Apply a thin coat twice daily to affected areas.

    There are many herbal solutions for allergies. Phytopica, a combination of 10 different Chinese herbs, has been shown to be effective in scientific studies in decreasing the severity of itching. Xiao Feng San is a common Chinese herbal combination useful for atopic dermatitis (allergy to inhalants). The dose is 1/8 of a teaspoon per 10lbs of body weight daily.

    I hope you have found this article helpful. If you would like natural, holistic solutions for many common dog or cat health problems, visit my site at Veterinary Secrets Revealed.

    To your pet’s good health…

    Dr. Andrew Jones, a practicing Veterinarian, has a special interest in alternative, natural pet remedies. Visit his sites: http://www.veterinarysecretsrevealed.com and http://www.theonlinevet.com.

    Article from articlesbase.com

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