Tag: Allergies

  • Spotting Dog Skin Allergies

    Dog allergies of all kinds are just as common in dogs as they are in humans.  Dog skin allergies are one of the most common forms of allergies that you may experience.  Dog skin allergies are characterized by having your dog chew, lick and paw at her itchy skin, her eyes and nose may have some sort of discharge (usually a clear discharge) and there may be digestive upsets involved.  Skin lesions are another sign that your dog is probably suffering dog skin allergies.

    What Causes Dog Skin Allergies?

    All allergies are a result of our immune system being hypersensitive to some sort of substance (which is referred to as an antigen or allergen).  Dog skin allergies can show up at any point of your dog’s life, though they tend to come about during the first five years of your dog’s life.

    The most common of the dog skin allergies involves dog fleas.  The saliva of dog fleas will often cause the area of skin where the bite occurred to become incredibly itchy and irritating.

    There are also atopic dog skin allergies, which is the result of your dog inhaling some sort of substance that does not agree with their immune system.  These allergens are similar to the inhaled allergens that bother humans, such as dust, mold, dander, and pollen.  This type of allergy usually is noticeable when your pet is quite young (under 6 months in age)  The best way to try and stop atopic dog skin allergies is to keep your home and the area that the dog lives in very clean and well ventilated.

    How are Dog Skin Allergies Diagnosed?

    Where the skin lesions are present on the body will often help the veterinarian decide if your dog has a dog skin allergy or not.  Your veterinarian may also put your dog on some sort of a flea medication, and different foods may be tried so as to rule out whether or not your dog is having a dog food allergy rather than a dog skin allergy.  Blood tests and allergy testing may also be involved in more complex cases.

    How do you Treat Dog Skin Allergies?

    Unfortunately, allergies are very rarely “cured”; it’s more a matter of trying to control them and to keep them in check.  Antihistamines as well as corticosteroids are popular ways to treat allergies, though some pet owners are also choosing “immunotherapy”.  This type of therapy is a bit controversial as it is not guaranteed to work, though if it does, it will take up to 12 months to work properly.


    To know more on dog skin allergies, dog allergies or other dog health related information you’re welcome to visit Nil’s blog at Dog-Health-24.info.


    Article from articlesbase.com

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  • How to Treat Allergies with Natural Supplements

    Allergies are happen when your immune system overreacts to pollen, molds, grass, dander and cosmetics. Once exposed, the body produces histamines or leukotrienes. Symptoms include runny nose, itchy throat, congestion, and sneezing, coughing and runny eyes. Antihistamines to deal with allergies are popular, but often carry unwanted side effects such as drowsiness, depression and dizziness. But there are natural remedies for allergies.

    The best way to fight allergies and their symptoms, including stuffy nose, watery eyes, sinus pressure or rashes, is to figure out the cause and avoid it as best you can. Follow these steps to easy breathing and clear skin.

    Seasonal allergies can significantly impede your ability to function, particularly in the spring months. This article provides tips for coping with seasonal allergies, beginning by suggesting you visit an allergist.

    Prepare for Allergy Season: –

    • Start treatment at least 2 weeks before your typical allergy season with a drug-free nasal spray to coat the nasal passages. It’s important to get ahead of the symptoms to be able to better control the allergy attack.
    • Maintain a healthy immune system throughout the year. Increase your intake of vitamin C to boost your immunity as you enter the allergy season.
    • Keep your overall health in shape with proper diet, routine sleep patterns and lowering your stress level. The use of natural anti-inflammatory herbs such as garlic, ginger and turmeric may be used to supplement your dietary intake.

    Try Homemade Remedies First: –

    • Stay indoors when pollen producers are most active. This is usually between 5:00 and 10:00 in the morning. If it’s hot and windy, try to avoid going outside at all.
    • Wear a filtration mask if you garden or mow the lawn.
    • Try a homemade remedy using a neti pot (see Resources below) to cleanse your sinuses. Mix warm water, baking soda and salt according to directions and pour into the sinuses. The technique flushes the sinuses in one nostril and out of the other.
    • Remove allergens such as dust mites and pollen from laundry using hot water at least 140 degrees F. For laundry where high temperatures are not recommended, a double rinse is an acceptable alternative.
    • Find homemade remedies for allergies such as hay fever are made with boiled minced grapefruit and lemon with a little honey added. Take this solution three times a day to treat allergies such as pollen.
    • Protect your nose from irritation due to allergies by applying a tiny bit of petroleum jelly inside each nostril. Inhale the fumes of boiled chamomile in water.
    • Know that lime is promoted as an effective homemade method to treat allergies. Squeeze half of a lime into a glass of lukewarm water. Use a tsp. of honey to sweeten. Taken once daily, this remedy is thought to act as an anti-allergic agent.

    You may be interested in reading Allergies and Allergies Treatment. Also visit more on Allergies Natural Remedies

    Article from articlesbase.com

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