Does Your Dog Need Hypoallergenic Dog Food?

Would you be able to tell if your dog needed hypoallergenic dog food? The main reason to feed hypoallergenic food is when your dog is showing symptoms of allergies. Some of the most common symptoms of allergies caused by foods are loss of appetite, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, upset stomach, irritated skin, breathing problems… Continue reading Does Your Dog Need Hypoallergenic Dog Food?

Dog Allergies Treatment and Causes

Any dog owner has probably heard about dog allergies. The truth is, there are a lot of dog allergens in the environment and they can affect canines through the air, water, food, or environment. Because canines are very adventurous animals, it is almost impossible for them to keep away from possible allergens, and every dog… Continue reading Dog Allergies Treatment and Causes

Spotting Dog Skin Allergies

Dog allergies of all kinds are just as common in dogs as they are in humans.  Dog skin allergies are one of the most common forms of allergies that you may experience.  Dog skin allergies are characterized by having your dog chew, lick and paw at her itchy skin, her eyes and nose may have… Continue reading Spotting Dog Skin Allergies

Choosing the Right Dog Allergy Treatment

If you have a dog with an allergy, choosing the right kind of treatment can be the difference between roaring success, and dismal failure. Of course, the first step is matching the type of dog allergy treatment to the type of allergy. Here is a breakdown of the types of allergy, and the recommended treatments.… Continue reading Choosing the Right Dog Allergy Treatment

Dog Allergy Treatment Methods

If you think your dog is alone in suffering from dog allergies, then you’ll be shocked to find out that nearly 1/3 of all dogs suffer from some form of dog allergy in their life.  Dog allergies may be seasonal, they may happen only once, or they may be a chronic issue.  No matter what… Continue reading Dog Allergy Treatment Methods