Author: Cheryl Hanson

  • Do Dog Breeds Allergies Differ?

    When we think about canine allergies, it may not even occur to us that among the various dog breeds, allergies and their prevalence may differ. However, particularly when we are talking about skin allergies, there are dog breeds allergies seem to favor.

    Dogs Susceptible to Allergies
    Among the dog breeds allergies, particularly skin allergies, are commonplace in are the English Bulldog, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, and Dalmation, to name but a few popular breeds. Shar Peis and boxers, with their skin folds, are also dog breeds allergies seem to be more common in.
    If you are looking at owning any of those breeds, and dog breeds allergies may be more likely to occur in, you should be prepared that allergies, and their symptoms, treatment and care, may become part of your duty as a dog owner.

    Dog Breeds Allergies Are Less Likely In
    The good news  is that just as there are dog breeds allergies seem to favor, there are those where they are more rare. These include popular breeds like the German Shepherd, Dachshund, Doberman Pinscher, Poodle and others. Choosing from dog breeds allergies are less likely to appear in is one way of trying to avoid the additional care required by an allergy prone dog, it’s no guarantee, since, although rare, those allergies are not unheard of.

    As with dog breeds allergies are more common in, you should know there is always a chance you may become the owner of a dog with allergies, and the needs that accompany that.

    What to Look for
    Excessive itching, scratching, biting or chewing on themselves is almost certainly a sign of allergy, whether flea, skin, contact or food. Stomach troubles, swelling and hives are also almost always signs of allergy, and should be reported to your vet immediately.

    What to Do if You Suspect an Allergy
    Whether you choose dog breeds allergies are common in, or those where they aren’t, you should be on the lookout for the common symptoms of allergy – itching, scratching, biting, hives and so on. If your dog displays any of these symptoms, chances are your vet will need to do an IST or ELISA test, to determine the cause – it may be a flea allergy, or an allergy to something in the dog’s environment.

    If the tests your vet runs on your dog returns a positive result for allergy, you will need to investigate proper treatment and management, so that your dog’s quality of life is not affected by his problem.

    So you see, which taking care to choose a dog breed allergies are rarer in may help in some small measure, but it may not be a permanent solution. Also bear in mind that like humans, dogs aren’t necessarily born with an allergy. Sometimes, they develop an allergic reaction to a particular substance later in life. You may even find that the food they’ve been eating for years suddenly produces an allergic reaction, or maybe a move to a new home triggers an attack. Whatever happens though, stay calm, find out more, and help your best friend deal with their allergy.

    Your dog’s health means a lot to you, as well as your own. Keep yourself informed and learn more about dog allergies at, where you’ll find everything you need to know to keep your dog, your home and of course yourself free of allergies, and in tip top shape!

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  • Treating Allergies Without Medication: Natural Herbs for Allergies

    If you suffer from seasonal or year-round allergies, you might be hoping for relief from your symptoms without the pesky side effects that some medications can include. For example, antihistamines can make you drowsy and many decongestants will lead to a dry mouth and a rise in blood pressure.

    The good news is that you can find many natural herbs for allergies that will offer relief from your symptoms the holistic way. Many natural herbs for allergies will actually help to prevent the symptoms rather than treating them once they start. This can be an effective way of managing many of the seasonal allergies that a number of people suffer from.

    Lifestyle Modifications to Reduce Allergens

    Before moving into the natural herbs for allergies, it is a good idea to try some lifestyle modifications that will reduce your exposure to known allergens. These modifications can include keeping windows closed and using air conditioning systems instead, especially at night when allergens tend to run rampant.

    It can also mean staying indoors as much as possible during the times of the year when your allergies appear to be at their worst. If these changes do not have the desired effect in reducing your allergy symptoms, it might be time to learn which natural herbs for allergies tend to work the most effectively.

    Stinging Nettle

    This herb works very well as a natural antihistamine, without the drowsiness that comes from using many of the over-the-counter medicines that are available. This natural herb for allergies reduces the ability of the body to produce histamine. Histamine is the chemical produced by the antibodies in the body to fight off substances that the immune system has mistakenly identified as harmful.

    These substances are called allergens, and the histamines are produced to fight them. Histamines also create the allergy symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes and coughing, so when your body cannot produce as many, your symptoms are reduced as well. Stinging nettle can be purchased in capsule form from many natural food and vitamin stores today.

    There are other natural herbs for allergies that work in a similar way to stinging nettle in reducing the body’s ability to produce histamines. These include butterbur, which is a harder herb to come by in the United States, but nevertheless effective as a natural means of treating allergies.

    Quercetin is another good natural herb for allergies, and has the added benefit of acting as a natural antioxidant that can reduce the risk of some types of cancer. If you are considering a natural herb for your allergies, talk to your doctor before taking anything. Herbs can have side effects just like medications, and they can also have potentially dangerous interactive effects when taken with other medicines.

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    Be sure to check out our Air Allergy Best Purifier pages.

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  • Dog Food Nutrition

    Dog food nutrition starts with ingredients that do not host any preservatives or chemicals.  The reason that chemicals, additives, and preservatives are added, is to preserve the dog food on the shelf, and keep it ready for you to buy, when you need it.  The problem with this remedy, is that the preservatives will be a major health issue in your dog’s life.

    Toxins and Your Dog’s Liver

    If you are looking to keep your dog’s life healthy and happy, be sure to understand the process that a chemical food will take on your dog’s body.  Your dog is a small and very susceptible organism to toxic and heavy chemicals.  The fact that dog cancer and other digestive illness has risen over the years, is due in part to the chemicals in dog food.  The unhealthy path you will follow, leads right back to a chemical filled dog food.

    The hardest part, is that the market place is often very easily deceptive, and can use the word natural or healthy whenever and wherever they choose.  Be sure to keep your eyes open, and read the ingredient list on your dog food bag with awareness.  No chemicals, no ingredients, you can not understand.  If you have a question, there should be a phone number on the bag, and you can call to see if the food is really a good choice.   If the reasons and description are enough for you, you may have found a good food to choose.  If you can not get a good feeling from the call, you should move on.

    The fact that chemicals and preservatives cause poor nutrition, are not limited to the fact that often chemically laden dog food has few nutrients to offer as well.  If a food sits on a shelf for long, all anti-oxidants are lost in the time they sit waiting to be consumed.  Nutrients added, are often slim to none in this case.  The reality of the situation is that the dog food nutrition needed is not really offered, and your dog could have a poor health outcome.

  • Best Puppy Food Brand

    Puppy food is a keystone for great nutrition, and a healthy life ahead!  If you want to avoid many problems in the long run, be sure to look for the best puppy food brand you can resource.  Here is how to do this!

    Best Puppy Food Brand Ingredients

    • 100% Organic Protein
    • Green beans
    • Sweet Potatoes
    • Acai berries, blueberries, or organic berries
    • 100% organic EFAs or essential fatty acids
    • Squash, zucchini,carrots or celery
    • Garlic, vitamin C and a good mix of nutrients, with careful explanation

    This list is very generic, and many processors and manufacturers look for quality ingredients that they can find an include in their food, that offer value, and are available.  Of course, you need to read the labels and ensure that they all are complete and accurate, in terms of there should not be many unknown chemicals, or nutrients that you do not know what they are.

    The value of being able to find the best puppy food brand, as well, is that it is fresh, does not have a long shelf life, and is offered with a story on the bag.  Many people who are dedicated producers, are people who have lost pets to the poor nutrition dog foods in their past, and will have a reason why they are so passionate about their journey.

  • Prescription Dog Food

    Does your vet prescribe a dog food for your dog?  It is good advice to always follow your vet’s advice, but be sure to continue to find the right information as well.  Often, my vet would prescribe a dog food for our dog, and it would not be accepted by my dog, or it just didn’t seem to work for her digestive system.  If you are looking to have a good conversation with your vet about your dog’s food, be sure to arrive with some questions and information.

    Prescribed Dog Food Choices

    Sometimes, the dog food that is used for prescription, is very quietly full of corn, soybean, or rice.  Even white potatoes have been a main ingredient in this list.  The confusing part to this ingredient list is the fact that it is often hard to digest.  I have had good results with less carbohydrates in a time of stress, illness or injury, than the prescribed dog food choices offered.

    In most cases, a very lean protein, like venison or 100% organic chicken, will be better for your dog.  Even a green vegetable, like green beans, and some dried sweet potato, can be much better for the pancreas, the liver, the bladder and kidneys.  The dog in stress, should not be given any sugar or starch, as the glucose created can be hard to digest or manage.

    Be kind to your dog, and question your vet, so that you can bring the best results to your dog.  Clearly, in times of disease or illness, they may find the higher starches laden prescription foods, will be accepted by your dog more readily, so a mix could be considered, but working towards a holistic solution, will in the end assist your dog to actually solve the related problem, and be the great solution that you require.

    A genuine discussion with your vet, should be a way to actually try to find a solution, provide health and happiness, versus covering up the symptoms and problems that are occurring.  The keys to health all reside with appropriate levels of nutrition, interactivity with drugs and medicine, and great prescription dog food information.

  • Why Organic Food is So Important

    If you are feeding a puppy for the first time, are searching for great dog food,  search no further than a organic or holistic dog food choice.  The fact that they take the time to certify the ingredients of the product will, create a better result for nutrition.

    Great Dog Food is Often Organic Dog Food

    The reason that organic dog food holds good nutrition, is that the ingredients are certified to be labeled organic, and this creates more of a valid reason for the food to be controlled and safe.  In the pet food world, the dog and cat food industry is largely unregulated, but, if it is labeled organic, there are a series of rules that a company must follow to use this label.

    The rules are very strict, and are properly regulated by the USDA, and the FDA.  The uniform standards for labeling and processing of organic foods, have a series of rules that they must follow to use the label.

    • No genetic altering or radiation
    • No fertilizer
    • No Synthetic Fertilizer
    • No Pesticides in producing the product, or in the process of organic produce


    As well, some products can be labeled in the following manner:

    • 100% Organic is all organic in ingredients
    • Organic on the label is at least 95% organic
    • Made with Organic Ingredients must be at least 70% organic
    • Anything less than 70% organic can not have organic on the package, but may use the organic ingredients in the label ingredient list

    This means you must use the term organic as a true indicator of properly controlled items, and it will be important to rely on the label for good nutrition information.  If you use the list as shown above, you should be able to come up with some good options for your dog food choices, and bring great results to your dog’s food choices.

  • Dog Nutritional Supplements and Food Choices

    Commercial dog foods come in a variety of forms. The most common types are dry, semi-moist, and canned. The moisture content of these foods ranges from 6 to 10% for dry, 15 to 30% for semi-moist, and 75% for canned. Most canned food has relatively more fat and protein and fewer carbohydrates than does dry and semi-moist food, and generally contains much higher levels of animal products.

    Most commercial dog foods today lack the nutrients most growing and active dogs require. That is why it is important to consult with your veterinarian to determine if dog nutritional supplements would benefit your dog.


    Some other substances that might be found in pet foods, which are not required nutrients. This is why it is important that dog owners understand what nutrients are in their dog’s food and how dogs use the various nutrients in food and dog nutritional supplements so they can choose a health diet and supplement program.

    Some common yet not required nutrients you might find in your dog’s food are:

    Chondroprotective agents are used by the body to make cartilage and joint tissues.

    Antioxidants work to prevent oxidative damage to nutrients and other compounds in the body and inhibit or quench the formation of free radicals.

    Herbs and botanicals are used in pet foods either to provide flavor or, more often, to have a medicinal effect on the body. This is especially true in the case of extracts, where the classical nutritive components of the plant may be separated from the extract in the process.

    Flavors and extracts derived from animal tissues such as poultry or fish are considered “natural” flavors. A wide variety of flavors can be derived from other animal and plant materials, including dairy products, eggs, herbs, and spices. Acceptable processing methods include roasting, extraction, and fermentation. Except for artificial smoke and bacon flavors, synthetic substances are rarely used in most dog and cat foods.

    Colors are synthetic compounds used to replace or accentuate the inherent color of the food. Only certified colors approved for use in human foods are allowed in pet foods. Iron oxide is a synthetic but non-certified color that can be used at levels not to exceed 0.25% of the pet food product to give dog food a red, meaty appearance. Titanium dioxide is another common color additive in human and pet foods because it can induce a “brightness” in foods by complementing other color additives. Its use is limited to 1% of the food by weight.

    Dog food labels must list the percentage of protein, fat, fiber, and water in the food. When reading labels, it is important to understand the nutritional needs of your dog and determine if dog nutritional supplements should be added to the diet.

    Learn how to use dog nutritional supplements to enhance your dog’s life and remedy your dog’s discomforts – almost immediately – guaranteed! by going to

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  • What are the Dog Allergies Symptoms?

    Summer is a time when we all dream about vacations and relaxing somewhere warm but at that time allergies are also kicking in. If pay attention to statistics we will discover that human allergies multiply by several fold during this season. One more concerning fact is that along with human allergies dog allergies also tend to grow during this season. Approximately 20 % of all the dogs suffer from allergies and this number are on the rise. Just like us humans, animals also suffer from allergies due to changes in the environment.

     General dog allergies are triggered by flea bites, pollen, tobacco smoke, certain foods, and even other pets also have a strong influence in your pets allergies. Generally dogs between 6 months to 3 years are prone to these diseases, these symptoms do appear to be seasonal at first, but over time they become chronic. Just like in humans, dog allergies are an inherited trait & lifelong disease.

    If your dog is expecting puppies and her current health status has been affected by allergies, it is also possible for the puppies to inherit such condition. According to a study, we can also determine that allergies can be breed specific, and some breeds are more prone to allergy compared to others. Boxers Terriers & Shih-Tzu’s are more prone to allergies compared to others. General allergy observed is skin disease. Itching & scratching in dogs is nothing short of a nightmare for the pet owners. Just imagine due to this situation pet owners suffer a lot then how much the dog that is undergoing real suffering will be!

     We, as human beings can talk to doctors, take medicines and such but your pet is in a very tough situation as him/her can only feel the itch/pain and then scratch, bite & lick, actions that can lead to a more aggravated situation if not taken seriously. If your dog is itching & scratching continuously then it is primarily important to find out the cause of the itch. This can be quite difficult. During this period dog’s skin becomes very itchy, irritated & red in color. Scientific name for this skin disease is atomic dermatitis & it can be widespread over the dog’s body, or may be just limited to some portion of the body; generally belly, face, rump, groin etc.

    This intense chewing & scratching culminates into heavy hair loss & inflamed areas of the skin which generally leads to secondary infections. Testing will definitely let you know which allergen have caused to suffer your dear dog. After going through dog’s clinical history & environmental surroundings, your vet doc may tell you to go through the dog’s blood test, to identify your pet’s allergy. Initially your vet will take a sample blood from your dog & will send it for laboratory testing.

     Serum is tested for allergies pertaining to grass, weed specific to the geographic areas as well as to other important allergens such as dust mite, mold, cat dander, food & insects. Generally, the vet can treat your dog allergy through immunotherapy. Depending upon the laboratory findings and blood test your vet can provide you with an immunotherapy treatment kit which is specific to your dog’s individual allergies. Immunotherapy is really an effective treatment which it helps to build your dog’s immunity.

    Learn more information about dog allergies treatment as well as dog arthritis treatment. Show your dog how much you care by visiting our website today!

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  • How to Manage and Treat Your Allergy Symptoms

    How to Manage and Treat Your Allergy Symptoms

    Do you suspect that you may be suffering from allergies? If you do, you may be looking for information to manage and treat your symptoms. In this book you’ll find:

    – Common Allergy Symptoms
    – What Are the Symptoms of a Food Allergy?
    – Food Allergies: How to Manage and Treat Your Symptoms
    – Tips for Parents of Children with Food Allergies
    – How to Manage and Treat Seasonal Allergy Symptoms
    – Home Remedies for Allergies
    – Allergy Air Purifiers: Do They Really Work?

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  • Dog Nutrition ? The Do’s and Don’ts of Feeding your Dog

    You need to understand that appropriate dog nutrition is not the same for all sizes, ages and breeds. Every breed of dog has its own dietary recommendation and also the suggested number of feedings for each day. The recommended feedings can be customized to suit the size and age group of your pet. Although, there are a couple of general guidelines that you can follow so as to provide good nutrition for your dog using a balanced diet.


    Your dog’s protein intake really depends on his/her age. You need to understand that your pet will not need more than 25% if he/she is still a puppy or over 22% for a dog that gets moderate exercise, please note that older dogs will need more protein. You will need to consult your vet so as to come up with a proper protein intake for your pet. A lot of do foods contain a pretty high amount of salt. Ensure that you carefully read the label on your dog’s food in order to make sure that your dog is not getting too much salt because it can lead to heart disease.


    A lot of dog owners feed their dogs twice a day, some dogs prefer to eat just once in a day. Your pet will naturally display to you which he/she prefers by simply refusing to eat during one of his/her feedings. Although puppies need to be fed three to four times each day so as to develop bone growth.


    Under no circumstances should you feed your dog table scraps! If your pet has been prescribed special diet by the vet, which will require that you cook your dog’s food, make sure that you place the food into your dog’s bowl directly. You should avoid feeding your pet directly from the dining table – your pet is not only going to develop obesity but this will definitely encourage begging.


    One thing that you need to know about dogs is that they can keep on eating and if you encourage this habit, they will eat you out of house and home! You need to avoid giving your dog too much to eat. Once your dog becomes obese, it will really take a miracle to make him/her lose the weight. This can also lead to a lot of medical issues such as:

    Abnormal bone development
    Heart problems
    High blood sugar
    Diabetes etc


    Ensure that you choose a highly reputable, top quality dry dog food with of course the recommended daily allowance for your pet’s size, age and weight. You can easily obtain this information from your vet. Along with your dog nutrition plan, make sure that you also give your dog multi-vitamins so as to promote sound health and normal growth.


    You should feed your dog in a stainless steel bowl and make sure that you clean your pet’s bowl with water and soap each day or two. You need to know that these bowls are a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Ceramic and plastic bowls are not at all recommended.

    Are you looking for the best  Dog Nutrition ?  Visit today for more information!

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